A Lullabied Dragon

I am humming a lullaby
hoping my ego will fall asleep
sensing how tired she must be
Not just nap time,
but a long, wary sleep
breathing heat but no flames

I’ll check on her with regularity
for we are bound by birth
I have an unreserved love
for my companion -
feeling if she is able to rest
I, too, will be at peace

Of course, she may be startled
awake by the world knocking about
but by now I’ve learned which
lullabies may soothe her

—Kathleen Burke

Ants and zazen


— Kim Mosley 

A poem in response to: A Day So Happy by Czelaw Milosz and The god of good taste by Ingrid Fetell Lee

Because although I did meet the god of good taste 
He felt hollow to me
I saw others around me bowing and scraping to him
And even when I believed,
I was wrong not to participate 
In the ritualistic offerings of my authentic self,
In order to survive and thrive in my environment 
At the risk of being crushed 
The quirky awkward parts of me didn't assent and,
Their embedded smoldering coals,
Held tightly my joy and life force.
And now having emerged
And I say this boldly, while holding my breath,
As it's so new and fragile 
That there is no thing on the earth I want to possess.
And no one worth envying.
Just delighting in.

—Jean Lopez